These are 10 of my favorite Easter pictures. I have SOOO many from today. I took close to 300... Our Easter was really good. We woke up and we all opened our Easter baskets. Drew, Will, and I got money from both grandmas and also Mom and Dad. AnnaClaire got a little Easter bird and bird's nest that is really cute. She also got Easter egg sidewalk chalk, eggs with candy, and an Easter book. That was all from Mom and Dad. From Grandma she got a package of food that you can cut! It's so cute and she absolutely LOVES cutting the food with her wooden knife! After we opened out baskets, we headed to Church. It was a really great service. After, we went to lunch. When we got home, we took tons of pictures. AnnaClaire played with her cutable (is that a word?) foods before her nap. She absolutely loves that present. She would not stop cutting them! I'll need to post a picture so you know what I'm talking about. She took a great nap and we had to wake her after five!! I asked her if she had to go potty, and she told me she did. She went poopies and tinkle! She got lots of chocolate kisses for that!! We were so proud of her. It was her first time going on the upstairs potty (AKA the pink potty.) She cut her foods somemore and then we had an Easter egg hunt. She had a blast hunting for all her eggs! She found all of them, and was soooooo cute doing so. She was especially excited when she got to her "Stain glass egg." That is her favorite by far. She saw a stain glass window recently, so she loves that sticker on it. She picked it up and said, "STAIN GLASS EGG! PRETTY!" It was cute. After she collected them all, she sat with Bunny and she and bunny counted her eggs... so cute! We went back inside and she wanted to cute her foods somemore. I took her on the driveway and we played with her Easter sidewalk chalk. She had never seen chalk before. She had tons of fun with it. It's really cute... egg and chick shaped! After awhile of chalk, she saw her bike and wanted to go for a ride. Dad, Drew, and I took her and she had lots of fun. She is quite the peddler. She has all these new traditions that she does on her bike. Such as, on the way, she looks for rocks to throw in the creek on the way home. She also stops at a certain place on the sidewalk to jump. It's funny. We had a very nice ride and she loved saying hi to all the people that were out on this beautiful Easter day! We came back and it was dinnertime. We had a delicious Easter dinner of ham, green beans, corn pudding, and carrots. It was delcious. Afterwards, AnnaClaire had to go potty again! We fought a little over it, but when she sat on it, she went right away. She got to wear panties and we watched her funny antics (such as squeezing her legs when we say shes a "chub") and then Dad and Drew took her to the movie store so they could get a movie. This was the first time she wore panties out somewhere. She did great and kept them dry! When she got home, I asked her if she needed to go potty again. She did! Yes, that is THREE times in ONE day!! We were SOOOOO proud of her. Needless to say, there were lots of chocolate kisses today! She went night night after a very nice Easter. It really was a great day. More importantly though, we celebrate our risen Savior! Happy Easter everyone!!
P.S. Look below for another one of my favorites from the day. I also added a picture to it... Be sure to check it out.
P.S.S. I have tons more pictures to add, but I'm going to get to bed, so I'll add them tomorrow!
Those are definitely some sweet pictures.
so happy for AC and she begins to master the potty! :0) Such a big girl!!
Looking forward to your other pictures.
What precious pictures!!! Glad you all had a fun Easter together!
AnnaClaire is so sweet! I look forward every day to reading your blog. My family also adopted a little girl from China. She has been home for one year and one week. She is such a blessing!!! Her name is Addie Ruth...she and AnnaClaire resemble each other some. AnnaClaire is so cute! We are also working with Addie on going potty in the "big" also loves her chocolate every girl If possible I would love to get to know you email is email me if you can!
Beautiful photos, Emily. I wish we'd had Spring-like weather yesterday, but it was cold and cloudy. It actually snowed last night, and a little more today!!
Oakley had a great day, just the same, but my photos don't really capture the essence of Easter this year. I love AC's dress!
I don't think AnnaClaire could possibly get any cuter. Then again, I say that everytime, and sure enough she gets more precious each time!! Such a doll. Looks like you guys had a fantastic Easter.
oh ya...Emmily, your easter dress is way too cute!
So cute!! I love her Easter dress! Adorable! She has grown so much since last year! Beautiful girl!! Happy Easter! :)
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