It's been quite a day :). The morning consisted of Dad and Mom going to the lawyer for AnnaClaire's readoption. They said NC is very slow at processing it all and it might be a couple of months before the actual thing (and at the time we will get her English birth certificate.) Sadly, the state of North Carolina doesn't do the readoption with the judge, so we will not have those special judge pictures. Anyway once Mom and Dad got home, we all just kinda hung downstairs and talked and played kitchen with Bu. After awhile Dad, Drew, AC, and I went to Lowes to look for a new lawnmower. We found one. AnnaClaire had a blast trying out all the riding mowers. (No, we didn't get a riding one.) We ate at Pei Wei afterwards and it was sooo good. It was packed, so we had to sit at tables overlooking the kitchen. It actually turned out fun though and AC liked watching them make all the food. She ate really well and enjoyed her lunch. We came back home for naptime and Mom and I stopped quick at the mall to pick something up. Soon after we got home, my friend got here!! I think back in August I talked about how she moved to Pittsburgh... well they are back here for a few days! I'm so excited!! Her brother and Will are really good friends, too, so we are both pretty much really excited. So anyway, I hung out with her and my other friend all afternoon. We had so much fun. So we've been pretty busy today. I have a lot more pictures, but here's one for now. She loves cooking in her kitchen. And I love her in that Princess apron!
P.S. We had potty success tonight! She is so ready... just STUBBORN. I couldn't believe I actually got her to go tonight. Whenever we mention the potty, she practically starts crying. But tonight I asked her and she said no. I asked her if she wanted to try and she said NO POTTY. But something changed her mind and she went! She's always so happy after she goes. My favorite was "GOOD JOB BU BABY!" (she said that to herself.) She also always proudly shows everyone her potty after she goes, and we all clap and encourage her and she gets her treats. She's doing better, she is just so ready that it makes it hard. Bribes don't even work anymore, she is just so stubborn about it... but we still love her :)
hang in there with the potty training. Maddy was essentially trained for almost 2 months and now, in the last 3 weeks, she has decided she doesn't want much to do with it. Somedays she is dry,, somedays totally wet. :0( VERY frustrating to say the least. I'm hoping by summer we can be totally out of pull ups and into big girls pants.
Love that little pink apron!
Sounds like y'all are having a fun, lazy weekend (thats what we are up to too-and its nice! :0) )!
Glad to here that your friends are back for a little while!! Y'all have funn!!!!
Oh ya, and I LOVE the picture!! Cute!
Sounds like a very fun day! And Miss AnnaClaire looks adorable in her apron!
Emily, your new blog is beautiful!!! I LOVE it!
These girls are so stubborn, aren't they? Sophie Lu was the same way during potty training! It has to be HER idea and on her own terms in her own time! :) I learned a long time ago that around here, it's Sophie's world & I just live in it! LOL
Happy Easter to you, your Mei Mei and your whole family!
Love, Shana :)
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