Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Just had to share...

We sponsor the sweetest little girl from Chenzhou. I wish I could share pictures, but I don't think I can. I just wanted to mention that her first birthday was this week. We got an update on her today and OH MY GOODNESS, she is precious. The last update we got was in January and she was teeny. Now she is quite the chub chub. We have all decided that we want her. Oh she is so cute. Please keep this little girl in your prayers and that she will have a family very soon. I hate that she is so cute and anyone would do anything to have her, yet for some reason, she has not been adopted. I realize that there are much older than 1 year at Chenzhou, but Chenzhou NSN referrals are normally very young, and I hate to see this little one not having a family. (although she might be SN, we don't really know) Please pray for this sweet girl, I'll call her RH. She is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Happy (a little late) birthday, little RH!!

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