She is such a LOVE. She loves life and is constantly laughing and smiling. I love that sweet joy that surrounds her all the time. She is full of PERSONALITY, as she always has been... and it just shines through her. She is most definitely outgoing and has never met a stranger.
She chatters non stop which makes for some hilarious conversations. Yes, it does get tiring... but oh what comes out of a three year olds mouth... she always has us laughing!
She is such an great big sister to sweet Kate. They have their fair share of fighting over some toys (they always seem to want the same toy) but they are so sweet together and they really do love eachother.
The littlest things in life please her and she is appreciative of everything. She cares about everything and everyone. She has the most tender, sweet heart and although she is extremely outgoing, she is also quite sensative.
She is a JOY, a LOVE, and a MIRACLE. Everytime I think of adoption, I realize what a miracle she really is. Just the way everything was perfectly planned by out amazing Father and how he brought AnnaClaire into our lives... the fact that she was born from another mother, orphaned, and out of the thousands of orphans in China, God chose her for OUR family. She fits in so perfect and I cannot imagine our family without her.
I love her so much. I love the way she recaps her day for me every time I get home from school/swim practice. I love the way she tells me that she's "crackin' me up." I love the way she gets all excited about going places and doing special things, I love the way she wants to be just about everything when she "gets big like Sissy", I love the way she knows every word to about every song, I love the way if you ask her who loves her, she says, "JESUS and GOD!", I love the way she comes into my room and asks about my day... I could go on and on...
She has grown and changed so much... too fast for my liking! Yet everyday, I fall more in love with this sweet princess. She really is an amazing, sweet natured little girl.
Oh, how I love her.
She is so lucky to have such a loving big sister!
It shows how much you all love her and she is the cutest.How she has grown,from the baby i saw in your arms a little over two years ago.And kate has also,Lauren is my Miracle and a new three year old also and is loving it!!!!!
lauren's Jie Jie
You are an awesome big sister Em, and these two girls are so blessed to have you!
We had so much fun getting to know you guys a bit in China - and I saw what an amazing big sister you are! I love the new look of the blog and the header photo!! :) I remember Matt taking that one - you all look great!!!
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