Jan. marked 3 months with Kate... It was that month that we FINALLY had some breakthroughs with her! January also brought about Kate's first snow (in the US, anyway) and a very low key Chinese New Year celebration :)

In Feb. '09, we took the above picture... the picture you might remember as the "one the started it all." We had always thought we'd be done after 2 adoptions, but with this picture, we began to question if maybe that wasn't GOD'S plan.

In March, Kate celebrated her first birthday at HOME. She turned 2 :) Will turned 18, and I turned 16! Yes, it was a big b-day month!

In April, we roadtripped to Texas to see the grandmas, visit Bay*lor, see the UT campus, among other things. We had such a fun time and celebrated Kate's first Easter the day after we got back!

In May, Will graduated from high school... certainly a big event :)

Kate was baptized in June and also went to the beach for the first time, as we had a "chatty" reunion at the Shore! So. Much. Fun. :)

In July, I spent a week at a special needs orphanage in China with my aunts! Had an INCREDIBLE time. We celebrated the 4th of July and Co*w Appreiciation Day at Chick*fila! And in other news........ WE SAW CHARLIE on July 2, 2009 and began the paperchase for the third time :)

August was marked with homestudy visits, Will heading to college at Bay*lor, me starting my jr. year of high school...

In September, our aunts came for a visit while Mom and Dad went to parent's weekend at Bay*lor! We had so much fun and also took the girls to Chuck*ee*Cheese for the first time:) We also welcomed home our sweet friend, Sara Beth from China!

October was another busy month... Mom, the girls, and I went away for a weekend to Gatlin*burg for another reunion with our sweet friends from AC's adoption. The last week of Oct. was crazy with Kate's 1st gotcha day on the 25th, AnnaClaire's 4th birthday on the 27th, and then Halloween closing out the month!

In Nov. Mom and the girls were able to meet up with some friends from our travel group with Kate! (The picture is on the Oct. collage- accidently put it on the wrong one!) Dad and I also took a trip to Texas to pick up the car that Grandma was giving to us and to see Will and go to the Te*xas vs. Bay*lor football game! The end of the month called for a quick trip to DC for authentications and finally we were DTC!!! We also had a fun Thanksgiving and had some other news which I will be sharing SOON!

And finally, Dec. marked AnnaClaire's 3rd gotcha day and Mom and Dad's 25th anniversary! Our dossier was also logged in for Charlie! And of course, we had a very fun Christmas :)
Our 2009 was definitely busy and fun-filled!!! Here's to 2010!
What a fun look back on your 2009! I need to learn how to make collages...
Great review Emily. It is amazing to see how much the girls have grown in the past year. Looking forward to seeing what God has planned for the growing Horner family in 2010.
I am so glad that I found your blog. I am enjoying seeing how God is leading your family. I was wondering if you were at Chongqing and actually saw Charlie there in Juy. We adopted our daughter Ruthie from there on July 13th so if that was where you were, you may have seen her too. We weren't allowed to go to the orphanage because of swine flu.
I hope your brother is loving Baylor. My husband and I both went there and then I worked there for awhile. It is a great place to be. I am not sure if he is plugged into a church, but my hubby was also on staff at HIghland Baptist.
You can email me at ginnyhenderson@hotmail.com and let me know if you were at Ruthie and Charlie's orphanage. Oh and have you found the Yahoo group. He might be in a picture there.
Wow, what a year you've all had indeed. I think 2010 will be just as exciting esp with Charlie coming home to his forever family. Happy New Year!
Emily & Family Just want to say how much I enjoy your blogs.
Best wishes to all for 2010.
looking foward to seeing Charlie join your sweet family in this New Year. s&j
Happy new Year! I love the collage you made! It was a wonderful year! Blessing in 2010!
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