On Monday, we headed out to the Bi*lly Gr*aham Lib*rary, where they host a free Christmas thing... horse drawn carriage rides, a live manger, carolers, tours in Billy's childhood home, a diner where they have yummy food, etc. Drew even met us for a bit and we all had so much fun. AnnaClaire had been counting down the days to go, as she remembered having so much fun last year. It was chilly out, but we all enjoyed it and the little girls even met a few friends to run around with as we waited for our carriage ride!
And just because... here are some pictures of the girlies while we were finishing dinner and talking... They are so sweet and love eachother to pieces. They're best friends and I am SO glad that they have eachother and will always have a very special bond.

Then yesterday, I took AnnaClaire to see the new princess movie! This was her first
true movie experience, as we went over the summer, but it was a free showing of Ve*ggie Ta*les. Unfortunately, I forgot my memory card, so the only picture is from my phone... Oh well. We had fun and the movie was very cute, although she told me some parts were a little scary. She loved her kid's popcorn meal!

Last night, I had the honors of babysitting while Mom and Dad enjoyed their 25th anniversary celebration at the Cheese*cake Factory. I am still convinced that they waited so long to adopt because they wanted a free babysitter. Only kidding, but seriously! I cannot believe what babysitters are paid these days! Don't get me wrong, as someone who babysits quite often, I LOVE it. But still. They did bring me back a piece of Go*diva chocolate cheesecake in payment :) It was worth it!

Anyway, the girls and I had fun. We went to Ta*rget to get a new Christmas movie and then drove around and looked at lights. We came back for dinner and watched the new movie and then made Christmas cookies! Thanks to our secret santa, we had plenty of pre cut cookies, frosting, and sprinkles!

Then today, we made a gingerbread house! I think they did a beautiful job. They were so into it, too :)
Oh and I almost forgot! I realized I never posted pictures from the weekend when two of my friends and I took the girls to see lights! I think I mentioned the fact that there's a house not too far away that has lights that literally dance and light up to music on a particular radio station. It's amazing. We went back last night and the girls were just as into it! Plus, they were selling hot cocoa and cookies to raise money for building a well in Ha*iti... pretty cool:) YOU too can see the lights by going here: http://www.mammothxmas.com/. There is a live video streaming. I have to warn you that it's better in person... but still cool to see on the video! They only play 5-10 on weekdays and 5-11 on weekends, so make sure you watch then... (best after 6 eastern time... once it's dark:))
I love how AC and Kate love each other! That is priceless...
Have a joyous and merry Christmas!
Love in Christ,
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and waiting for our Eli
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