With Ma*rk Harr*is-- you know, the guy who sings "Fi*nd Your Wi*ngs" and a bunch of other well known songs!?! AC and Kate are on the right with the pink coats and the hats on!
Yesterday, our local Christian radio station had a completely free family Christmas concert complete with hot chocolate, candycanes, glow sticks, and fake snow! It was in a parking lot at a nearby Church and although it was cold and misty out, we still decided to go. We had such a good time! Ma*rk Ha*rris was the one putting on the concert and he was great! For a few songs, he invited all the little kids on the stage to sing with him... Unfortunately, we didn't have the camera, but I did get a picture with my phone. They thought it was just the coolest thing ever to be on stage in front of all those people singing!
What fun!! Merry Christmas friends!!
Is this a foreshadowing of a bright future in the entertainment industry? If so I look forward to saying that I knew them when...
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