Charlie's website is up and running!!! You can see it at
www.tochinaforcharlie.com! We really had no preferences for what it looked like- just something boyish! Love what he came up with... Bay*lor colors to match the picture on the homepage! :) So now Charlie officially as his website! It will mainly be used for when we go to China, but I've posted a few things there!
You are so creative Emily!! I always love the changes you make to your blog! I'll have to visit Charlie's site soon!
You know if June is the month we may see you in China! Hmmmmm, I wonder if we will see you twice in China? hmmmmmm
The web site is amazing! I love the design. How fun!
Best wishes...as each day brings you one day closer. The wait is the hardest part.
Love the website!
*Its been forever since we've talked, congrats on all the new additions*
Found your site from Jean's. You are one amazing young lady. We are also getting 2 in 2010, but our blog is not so cleverly named=), 1 is with Madison. Just saying HI! Janet in AL (in SC tonight dropping a kid a college)
He is SO stink'in cute! I look forward to checking out his new sight. So happy for your family...two in 2010!! Yippee Jesus!
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