Last night, my friend texted me this verse...
She probably didn't realize that it came at the perfect time.
But it did.
I'm so sick of waiting.
Monday marked 6 months since we received PA for our sweet guy. For 6 months, we have been approved to adopt him, yet still we wait. We're nearing 7 months since we saw his precious face for the first time. He's growing, and we're waiting. I pray that God is preparing his heart as he waits. I know it's for a reason and I have no doubt that His timing is perfect.
But still. It's HARD.
Before we we heard of our LID, I was surprised at how much peace I had. Waiting 87 days for SOMETHING on Kate had been so very hard. It was still a bit fresh, and I had expected Charlie's even longer wait to be so much harder. But for the months that we paperchased, I had PEACE. And I am thankful for that. And then, we found out that we were LID. Finally, there was something we were waiting for. We found out on 12/18. 5 months from our PA. Then we celebrated Christmas, Charlie's birthday, and got an update. New pictures. Pictures showing that our little boy wasn't so little. He's growing and we aren't there to watch him. And that is hard.
I still have peace. I know God has our timeline in his hands. He has a perfect plan. But still, I am anxious. My heart is aching. There's a little boy who I love. And he's in China. We ordered some clothes for him and they came today... but he's not here to wear them.
I know HIS timing is perfect. Yet still, I am sad. I just want my sweet little brother home.
Oh that I might have my request... that God might grant me what I ask for... He tells us to hope, to ask, and He promises to answer those requests.
Please, Lord. May our LOA be here soon. And while we wait, prepare his little heart for what is to come.
waiting stinks! it's never fun but while we wait i'm so thankful that God lifts us up on eagle's wings. it's during my periods of waiting that i've been closest to Him and for that i wouldn't change a thing. i pray that you'll continue to have peace and the assurance that He'll make all things beautiful in His time.
I love the song on your blog...I have been meaning to tell you and this post is the perfect chance. I pray he comes home SOON. I am really looking forward to seeing pictures of him WITH yall!
((Hugs)) Emily. I know just where your coming from. I thought I did pretty good during our wait right up until our TA wait. That was the hardest part for me. Praying for Charlie and your sweet family.
Emily- I am right there with you. I have been so peaceful but recently it is beginning to bug me that they are growing up with out me. I want to see it, be apart of it, love them, teach them and have fun with them. Breathe, breathe, breathe.
We are waiting for our update- please pray we get lots of pics, lot of answers to questions and measurements.
We're feeling your pain!
Hope to see you China!!
Love the verse your friend sent you!
I'm with you Emily! I'm with you! Praying for you and your family as you wait for both of your sweet kids!
"While I'm Waiting" that's on your playlist really ministered to me when we were waiting for our TA for Elijah. Even though you've been through it before, the wait is still tough. When you love someone, being apart from them for any amount of time is difficult. Praying for your wait!
Praying that you don't have much longer to wait. I know the feelings of waiting and longing for your little one to come home! Someday soon we will be posting about you all being there to bring him home. And your new sister, too!
How exciting you have ties to all of those families who are receiving their precious little ones in China! How cool is that?
Love in Christ,
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and soon to be home Eli
praying with y'all. and hoping he is home SOON.
Hi There! I've been following your blog for sometime...I really enjoy it! I think it is so wonderful that your family is adopting two precious children from China.
I am 19 years old and we are leaving in 6 days to adopt my 2 year old brother from Xi'an CWI in Shaanxi, China! We are so excited. This will be my 4th sibling. Two biological siblings and two adopted siblings! My 2nd brother is adopted from Korea (2001).
I totally know how it feels to wait like that....we waited 157 days for our LOA and it was so difficult. Then once we got LOA, we waited 80 more days for our TA. It seems like all we've ever done is wait wait wait!! But I try to remember that God has it all in His perfect timing. He knows why we waited so long. And it is all worth it now that we're about to go get my little brother!!
"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his Word I put my hope." Psalm 130:5
I love your blog!!
SWEET face! Congratulations on your LOA!
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