As you probably know by now, there was a terrible earthquake in Haiti. You can read one story about it here:
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/cb_haiti_earthquake. Well. I am supposed to be flying to Haiti in exactly a month with a team of 32 from my school. Now, we are unsure if we will be able to get there and are still waiting to hear on that, and if we are going at all. Please pray with me that God would make a way. I feel like we are needed there now, more than ever. Yet, if it's not safe and if the airport is still not open, we cannot go. Please pray. And more than that, pray for those people who are among terrible devestation... They need God so much right now!!!
oh Emily! I totally forgot about your trip there.
You're right -they need you more than ever..they need the Gospel there more than ever....we'll be praying.
We have a couple from our lifegroup who is supposed to be coming home a month from today from a week long medical mission trip. I didn't know you were headed there as well. We will be praying that all of you will be able to go and share God's love!
I've been watching the news. My goodness..
We are praying . . .
In Christ,
Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and soon to be home Eli
Somehow I knew you would be posting on this...I have been deeply burdened all day...they need the hands and feet of Jesus amidst so much devastation...they do need us and our prayers...I think of all the orphans and those with waiting parents in the US. We have missionary friends there as well...I think they ask that we pray specifically for safe drinking water, food and that no disease to be allowed to spread; for peace and not rioting through the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit upon the people... that the hurt be found and ministered to. Thank you for posting.
I read that they are airlifting orphans to Florida...have followed your blog for some time...such a cute family! My daughter and son-in-law adopted last year from china..today is her 1 year anniversary! her blog is
love reading yours!
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