We had such a fun snow day! We didn't get quite as much as we were expecting, but we did get some good sledding snow!!! And for once, it didn't melt and I am still holding out hope that enough will be around on Monday to cancel school! Anyway, the girls were soooo excited. We made snowman shaped pancakes for breakfast, Booie and I played her snowman board game, and then Dad, the girlies, and I headed out. The snow wouldn't pack enough to make a snowman or a snow fort, as AnnaClaire had wanted to do, but we did go sledding for a longggggg time and both girls LOVED that. LOVED it. I have never heard either girl squeal or giggle as loudly as they were as we sledded up and down the hill. We live on a pretty big hill, so it made for some fun sledding! I was surprised at how much Kate loved it to, as she cried last year. Kate was out for about an hour and a half and then her mittens had completely soaked through, so she went in and helped Mom make cookies and some hot cocoa. AnnaClaire's friend, Summer (she's in the pink shirt in the second collage), from across the street had come out, so they played for awhile, and then went to warm up inside at Summer's house with hot cocoa and cookies, too! They had a blast! They are only a week apart in age and have very similar personalities, so they always have fun together, and today was no different. I went over awhile later to pick her up and my friend and I took AC and Kate to another big hill for more sledding. They were so worn out after their big time and took great naps! Of course, by the time they woke up, the streets had completely turned into ice and we couldn't even walk without slipping, so much to their disappointment, we had no more sledding.
Oh, the joys of snow. :) Enjoy the pictures!! It was hard to choose out of all of the good ones that I got!!! I have to say- the perfectly white background makes my girlies look all the more beautiful!! (you can click to enlarge the collages and see all the pictures better!!)
Looks like it was a very fun day! The girls look so cute!
The pictures are so fun! At least you guys have a sled. You'll have to stop by Fireworks and Fireflies to see what we improvised with...
It looks like so much fun! Lucky you- you get to enjoy the snow but then it goes away! Okay, yes I am complaining! It's 8 degrees right now and it won't melt until March... ugh!
Cute, cute collages!!
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