She is also starting to potty train, and is doing very well with it! She loves wearing big girl panties like "Claire!"
She loves all puzzles and is extremely good at them.
She's the baby of the family, probably always will be, and she fits her role perfectly.
She adores her older-by-16-months sister, which I love to see, as it was long in coming. But now, they are the best of friends and have so much fun together.
She is amazingly cute (when she's not in her pout mode) and she has an infectious laugh.
She has a sweet heart and is always looking out for others.
She is strong willed and she constantly amazes me with how far she has come in the past 14 months... (the below picture is her in China... a facial expression she had our first few months home, too.)

She is ADORABLE! :)
Hi, just saw a comment you wrote on RQ forum (about not regretting taking older kids to China) and popped over to your blog to see your growing family -- wow! What a great looking bunch of people! Congratulations on both Charlie and Grace - how wonderful that you are able to adopt Grace at the same time!
We also have three teens and two toddlers - and we took all of the kids to China on both trips and loved every second of it (well, not the expense!). But it was totally worth every penny.
Anyway, I'll be following along as you travel back to China to bring home your newest son and daughter!
She is such a dolly! I am not sure if it was you or your mom that left me a comment on RQ. But that would be so cool if we got to see each other in GZ again!!
She's a cutie!
She is so adorable and I think she has the cutest pout anywhere!
She's 20 pounds of total cuteness!
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