And now for some spring dress cuteness :)
Okay so here's a few pictures to catch you up on this week. Not loving todays weather... it's cold! Oh well, atleast we had a few springlike days and hopefully they will return next week. This morning Dad, AC, and I went to the Verizon store. For my birthday I'm asking for a new phone. So I picked out the one I want. Dad got a new phone, too. As you know, buying phones is not a super quick process, especially with a 2 year old! AnnaClaire did meet a little friend, Abby Scott. She was 2 and a half. The girls had so much fun holding hands and playing "follow the leader" around the store. They were soooo cute together and had a blast. When Abby Scott had to leave, they were hugging and giving kissies and everyone in the store was like, "Where are all those camera phones!?" It was funny. Then we had lunch at Qdoba and Will met us there. It was funny because we saw the paramedic who brought AC on the ambulance ride! Oh and big news at Qdoba!!! AnnaClaire went potty! She's never gone on the potty when we've been out, so this was a big deal!
Love the spring dresses...especially the one with the big flower on it...too cute!!!
Aww! Thank you so much for the card and Happy Birthday wish, Emily and AnnaClaire!! Love the pictures, Miss AnnaClaire is looking so grown up! Beautiful!!! :)
Where did you get the pink flower dress? CUTE! Please share!!
Thanks so much for wishing me a Happy Birthday! I had a wonderful birthday! I hope you do too!
Talk to you soon!
Cute Cute!! I love the pink flower dress as well! Where did you get that?
Happy Birthday EMily!
I hope you had a GREAT day!!!
Love the pink dress with the flower-so cute!
Happy Birthday to everyone in your family...especially you. :)
Those dresses are so so cute Mrs. Dana maia's mom always trys to find cute ones just like that. I know I commented before and you dont know who I am so I will give you my blog to see me and my family!
My name is Austyn or where it says me!
Lovin all the sweet dresses! Such a cute girl!
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