Emma and AnnaClaire had so fun running around with their buckets!

On Saturday, Dad, Mom, AnnaClaire, and I headed to Rock Hill for the Steven Curtis Chapman concert. We volunteered to work for Show Hope at the concert. It was really fun. Not only did we see
Maggie's mom and dad,
Jeanette and family, a girl I used to go to school with and her family (including her adorable sister, Abby), and a few other families that we met for the first time, but we were also so excited to see
Emma and her family who drove five hours to come! We traveled to China with Emma's family in December 2006. I remember they were the first family we met, because we were on the same flight to China. It was so great seeing them again. Their older kids also came, and it was fun meeting them. Emma has grown so much! The last time we saw her, she was a very quiet, two year old with no hair. Now, she is an outgoing, long haired, beautiful girl who will be four next month! Emma and AnnaClaire had so much fun together. They played ring around the rosy, collected change, and had a blast watching part of the SCC concert. It really was amazing seeing Emma and family again! I absolutely love the first picture of the girls with their Change for Orphans buckets. The second one is the girls with their Moms in China. As you can see, they have both grown so much!
Seeing lots of our friends was not the only great part about the concert. We got to listen to a lot of it, since our job was only before, after, and during intermission. Mom and Dad worked a booth while AnnaClaire and I collected change. That was the great part. SCC told all about Shaohannah's hope and Change for Orphans. At intermission, we walked around with buckets and people would put their change in. AnnaClaire was definitely good at her job and she had $300 in her bucket after intermission! She would literally go to people and do her "puppy dog face" and hold the bucket up to them. No one could say no, and that's how she raised money! One person, she even pointed to their pocket and said, "Money out of pocket!" She definitely knows how to make people feel guilty :). Nonetheless, by the end of the night, over $5,000 was raised and a family adopting from Kaz was awarded the grant... right there! It was a really great concert, and while we weren't raising money, AC had a really fun time dancing and singing along. I think we can say that "Dive" and "Cinderella"are her new favorite songs. She always asks to listen to "The Dive song!" or "Cinde-RELLA". She had a blast! Sadly, we were unable to meet SCC as we had hoped, but we still had a fun time.
He talked a lot about orphans throughout the concert. There was an ongoing number on the screen of how many kids became orphans during the concert. At the end, the number showed 587. Every 18 seconds, a child becomes an orphan. Although this is extremely sad, he turned it into a way for Jesus to be shown... and for us to help!
Here's more pictures from our night... enjoy!

Playing Ring around the Rosy with Emma and Walter B

Emma and AnnaClaire dancing

AnnaClaire with the Show Hope backpacks

Emma and AnnaClaire watching the concert!

Beautiful Emma!

Mom, AnnaClaire, me, and Dad

Maggie was very sweet to share her coloring book and crayons with AC!

There was a 100 dollar bill in AnnaClaire's bucket!

Christopher (Sara Beth's big brother to be!) and AnnaClaire

AC and her Change for Orphans bucket!
Great job everyone! AC-your collection skills rock!
I keep an eye on the SCC site hoping they'll head my way but sofar, no. If they do I'll be sure to look into volunteering to help as you did. What a great thing you did to help out so many orphans and had such fun at the same time too.
How cool,there was one where i live but i missed it
It looks like you had so much fun.
By the way i love the new look on your blog
Emily, we had so much fun with you guys...it was a memorable night! The boys just adore AnnaClaire!
P.S. I LOVE the new look of your blog!!!
AWWWW!!!!! It's EMMA!!!!! Yay!!!! I am SO thrilled to see more pictures and an update on her! Thank you Emily!!! She is gorgeous!!!
And the SCC concert looks like it was so much fun! We worked for Show Hope at a September concert and it was awesome!! I think you and AnnaClaire had my job- the buckets. :) So fun!!! Emma is such a beautiful big girl!!! I cannot believe how much she has grown! Wow! Thank you Emily!!! =D
sounds like you had a fantastic night!
love the new look of your blog! I need to figure out how you change it so often to such cute designs! :)
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