And then there were SEVEN.
Girls doing their magnadoodles with Grandma!
Girls with Grandma!
We have had so much fun getting ready for Christmas! This weekend, we have finally gotten all of the gifts wrapped and under the tree... well after Mom and I did some last minute shopping for the little girls. Kate has been a little difficult to buy for. She's just at the kind of in between age. We had this problem buying for AnnaClaire last year, too. However, we found a GREAT kid's toy store yesterday and found a few things for Kate's baby! She LOVES her baby (well... actually it's AnnaClaire's baby, but AC never touches it, so Kate has kind of taken it over.) Mom and Dad are getting a bigger thing for AnnaClaire and Kate (sorry, you'll have to wait until Christmas to find out! I'm not spoiling their surprise!) However, their grandmas and aunts/uncles spoil them rotten and they like us to pick out what they buy for the little girls. So, we have done lots of shopping and have done really well! I think both girls are going to love their Christmas presents!
Mom also baked some Christmas cookies this weekend which have been throughly enjoyed. Kate is a cookie QUEEN. She LOVES Christmas cookies! She definitely has a sweet tooth... you should've seen her eating her cake at PF Changs on AC's family day! I need to post those pictures...
Of course, you would never know it was almost Christmas as this weekend, it has been in the 60s! That is not right! It did cool down today and is supposed to be cold tomorrow... only to warm back up to the 60s for Christmas. We don't live in Florida!
AnnaClaire has felt pretty crummy this weekend, poor baby. She has had a fever, cold, and cough. She's starting to feel a little better and hasn't had a fever since earlier today, so that is good. Her poor little voice is so hoarse, though. She got to go in Mommy and Daddy's bed this morning and she was talking to them and said something about how "crummy" she was and Mom and Dad started laughing to which she replied (in her hoarse litle voice!) "I'm just crackin' you up!" She is still just as sweet as ever, even feeling sick. She is such a little sweetheart!
Kate has been sweet, too! She is such a sweet little baby. She is very good at entertaining herself, too! I think she's starting to gain a little weight, too. She has been eating so much better than she did in China. There's no way she's still 17 pounds. Like I said, she has been saying so many words. She learned "football" today! She can also show you where some of her body parts are (she's best at eyes!) and Mom is working on her animal sounds with her. She knows a cat says meow! She will repeat anything after us, but is starting to be the first to say it. After she finished a meal yesterday, she said "all done!" without even being told! If you tell her to blow a kiss, she will (and add that sweet little "mahh!") without even being shown what to do! She is such a little love and loves a good snuggle! She really is such a sweetheart. We have been so BLESSED in that both of our girls are complete SWEETIES and have such good temperments! They are also starting to play really sweetly together, which is just so cute to see. They love eachother!
Our grandma flew in from Texas this afternoon and will be here for the next week! She was so excited to meet Kate and Kate actually reached for her which was shocking (she goes to NO one outside the family!) She turned right back around and reached for Mom (she does love her mommy!) but she wasn't nearly as scared/overwhelmed as she can be when new people come. Grandma greeted both girls with books and they loved reading and playing with their doodles with Grandma tonight!
So... we've been good! We are SO excited for Christmas on Thursday, especially Booie. She keeps reminding us how she wants Santa to bring her "my OWN chips and dippin' sauce!" So easy to please :)
Hope you had a great weekend and are enjoying the Christmas season!
He's the reason for the season!
We have had so much fun getting ready for Christmas! This weekend, we have finally gotten all of the gifts wrapped and under the tree... well after Mom and I did some last minute shopping for the little girls. Kate has been a little difficult to buy for. She's just at the kind of in between age. We had this problem buying for AnnaClaire last year, too. However, we found a GREAT kid's toy store yesterday and found a few things for Kate's baby! She LOVES her baby (well... actually it's AnnaClaire's baby, but AC never touches it, so Kate has kind of taken it over.) Mom and Dad are getting a bigger thing for AnnaClaire and Kate (sorry, you'll have to wait until Christmas to find out! I'm not spoiling their surprise!) However, their grandmas and aunts/uncles spoil them rotten and they like us to pick out what they buy for the little girls. So, we have done lots of shopping and have done really well! I think both girls are going to love their Christmas presents!
Mom also baked some Christmas cookies this weekend which have been throughly enjoyed. Kate is a cookie QUEEN. She LOVES Christmas cookies! She definitely has a sweet tooth... you should've seen her eating her cake at PF Changs on AC's family day! I need to post those pictures...
Of course, you would never know it was almost Christmas as this weekend, it has been in the 60s! That is not right! It did cool down today and is supposed to be cold tomorrow... only to warm back up to the 60s for Christmas. We don't live in Florida!
AnnaClaire has felt pretty crummy this weekend, poor baby. She has had a fever, cold, and cough. She's starting to feel a little better and hasn't had a fever since earlier today, so that is good. Her poor little voice is so hoarse, though. She got to go in Mommy and Daddy's bed this morning and she was talking to them and said something about how "crummy" she was and Mom and Dad started laughing to which she replied (in her hoarse litle voice!) "I'm just crackin' you up!" She is still just as sweet as ever, even feeling sick. She is such a little sweetheart!
Kate has been sweet, too! She is such a sweet little baby. She is very good at entertaining herself, too! I think she's starting to gain a little weight, too. She has been eating so much better than she did in China. There's no way she's still 17 pounds. Like I said, she has been saying so many words. She learned "football" today! She can also show you where some of her body parts are (she's best at eyes!) and Mom is working on her animal sounds with her. She knows a cat says meow! She will repeat anything after us, but is starting to be the first to say it. After she finished a meal yesterday, she said "all done!" without even being told! If you tell her to blow a kiss, she will (and add that sweet little "mahh!") without even being shown what to do! She is such a little love and loves a good snuggle! She really is such a sweetheart. We have been so BLESSED in that both of our girls are complete SWEETIES and have such good temperments! They are also starting to play really sweetly together, which is just so cute to see. They love eachother!
Our grandma flew in from Texas this afternoon and will be here for the next week! She was so excited to meet Kate and Kate actually reached for her which was shocking (she goes to NO one outside the family!) She turned right back around and reached for Mom (she does love her mommy!) but she wasn't nearly as scared/overwhelmed as she can be when new people come. Grandma greeted both girls with books and they loved reading and playing with their doodles with Grandma tonight!
So... we've been good! We are SO excited for Christmas on Thursday, especially Booie. She keeps reminding us how she wants Santa to bring her "my OWN chips and dippin' sauce!" So easy to please :)
Hope you had a great weekend and are enjoying the Christmas season!
He's the reason for the season!
Woo Hoo!! Aren't we all so excited for Christmas!!!! This is going to be an amazing Christmas with our new little additions!!! Praise Him!!
What an exciting weekend. Sorry to hear your litte AC isn't feeling well but she's still so adorable! What fun you're going to have on Christmas morning! She's at such a great age and Kate will learn well from her big sis.
SO very, very happy for you and your family! God is so good and as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and King this week we thank Him for the blessings He has brought into your life! I love how He creates families by gathering us together from around the world!
Merry, merry Christmas Emily!!
Catherine ~ who would happily share some Christmas snow with you if there was any way possible to do so!!
Love how you called your dad out for the lack of bow in Kate's hair!
Wishing you and your family a very special holiday with your two little angels!!
What beautiful pictures Em, per usual!
I was cracking up at the no bow comment. I told Pete and he said, who are you looking at, AC???!!!! HA
I hope you all have an amazing Christmas, and I can't wait to see some pics, and possibly a video of the girls opening presents.
Beks is sooo excited too.
Merry Christmas to you all.
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