Our sweet friends recently returned home from China with their precious 11 month old boy. They were in the same travel group as the family I posted about a few weeks back, who were unable to go through with the adoption of precious Lu Ai and came home from China childless. Although they have walked through a very difficult situation, it is still in their hearts to adopt and they are hoping to receive a referral for their sweet Lydia Hope and travel back to China within the next few months. Having just traveled to China, money is an issue in their plans to return to China. First of all, would you please pray for this sweet family?
Anyway, our friends are holding a raffle to help raise some of the funds that the Cuozzos need in order to go back to China. They have beautiful items for sale, which were all purchased in China. Please visit their blog (www.strandfam.blogspot.com) for more info on the fundraiser and how to get your raffle tickets and help a family in need!
Thanks Emily!!!!!
Thanks Emily! I pray as we all work together we could make a small difference for the Cuozzo's. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart and family with us. It is a joy to be able to watch all that God is doing in your lives.
Much love to you
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