On Saturday (The 29th), we headed up to Boone, NC to get our Christmas tree! It took us a little over two hours to drive to the tree farm. Kate got a little car sick on the way, but was feeling better with some fresh air. We had a blast! It was drizzling when we got there, but stopped and didn't start again until we were heading away from the tree farm! We loved the farm we went to last year, but they had such a good year last year that they didn't have enough trees this year! So, we tried out a new tree farm, which we liked a lot. There was hot cider and a hayride to the actual tree lot. There were cows and sheep on the way, which pleased AnnaClaire. We found the perfect tree about 2 minutes into our search, but made sure to check out every tree before chopping it down. As you can guess, we ended up with the first tree. Dad and Will were true men and chopping it down, while AnnaClaire happily watched. She LOVED helping pick out the tree and was walking through all of them looking. Her pick was her exact size :) She was so into the tree picking this year. I know this Christmas is going to be SOOO fun with her, as she understands it so much more than last year, and obviously the year before (we got home from China with her 5 days before Christmas of 06!) 3 is such a fun age!!!!!! (Of course, so is 20 months! Kate's just not quite into/understanding the whole Christmas thing yet... obviously! Although her eyes do light up when she sees a lit Christmas tree!)
We then headed to the Mast General Store, which we always enjoy going to. The day ended at the Daniel Boone Inn, a traditional home style cooking, family style restaurant. It is always our tradition to go there, and it always tastes even better, and yes, is always so worth the 1.5 hour wait (even with 2 toddlers!)
Oh, I just love Christmas... although I cannot believe that today, AnnaClaire and I opened the first window of her advent calender! How is it December already?
Lots of other stuff to catch up on, which I hope to do before Sunday. Why Sunday? That's the 2 year anniversary of the day we left for China for AC... so I'm going to re-live the trip through the blog. Hard to believe 2 years ago, we were getting ready to go to China for the first time!
I love how your family goes to a tree farm. I wish FL had places like this. One day maybe we'll get to experience it. :-) Until then, we'll enjoy our artificial one. :-) I am thankful that we have had some cooler weather. So that is nice. Anyway, I hope you & your family have a very Merry Christmas. I know it will be very special this year.
Love from FL,
Looks like you all had a lot of fun! We looked into moving to Boone awhile back. I love NC and it is my dream to move there one day.
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